Wool N' Things was opened by Gisele Goulet in October 2004. Gisele knit her first pair of mittens back in Grade 7 during what used to be called "Home Economics" class, in the all-girl school she attended at the time (we won't say what year that was but suffice it to say you don't see too many Nun's teaching school these days). She really started knitting and crocheting as a hobby once she graduated from college and started working in the Information Technology (IT) field.
One day, she walked into a Phildar wool shop and met the owner who told her that anytime she needed help with a project, to just drop by. Well she didn't have to tell her twice, and to this day, Gisele is very grateful to this lady. She taught her a lot, especially the art of finishing a garment. Gisele ended up working for her part time and knitting and crocheting items for her store, as well as teaching crocheting to her clients. At one point, she offered to sell her the store, but at the time she lacked the resources and the self-confidence to do so. Years later, Gisele met up with one of the lady's daughters and had the opportunity to tell her how grateful she was to her mother to have taken her under her wing at the time.
As the years went by, knitting, crochet and cross-stitch became a well needed outlet to help relieve stress after a long day at the office. The IT field can be a very demanding and stressful environment to work in, especially as an independent contractor.
So it was, after being off work for close to 2 years, and with the encouragement of family and friends, Gisele decided to open a wool shop in Orleans, Ontario. Currently she has the only wool shop in Ottawa, east of the downtown core. Wool N' Things is situated in a cozy mall on Youville Drive and is easily accessible from Highway 174, off the Queensway East. Check out our Store Hours/Location page for directions to our store.